Below are links to our policies. If you wish to view a printed copy these are available at the pre-school, but we have also provided links to the filed on Dropbox below. The documents may be PDFs, Word or Pages documents.
- Achieving positive behaviour
- Administering medicines
- Admissions
- Babysitting policy
- Closure due to unforeseen circumstances
- Complaints procedure
- Confidentiality & access to records
- English as an additional language
- Exclusion for illness
- First aid
- Food hygeine
- Foundation stage
- Health & safety standards
- Information sharing
- Interpretation of British Values
- Looked after children
- Lockdown procedure
- Lunchtime procedure
- Maintaining safety & security on the premises
- Managing children who are sick, infectious or allergic
- Missing child
- Operational plan
- Parental behaviour policy
- Partnership with other agencies
- Phone, camera & social networking
- Physical contact & restraint
- Privacy notice
- Procedures for outings
- Record keeping
- Risk assessment
- Role of the key worker and settling in
- Safeguarding children & child protection
- Safeguarding yourself (staff)
- SEN policy
- SENDA policy
- Staff sickness
- Student placements
- Sun awareness
- Transition policy
- Uncollected child
- Valuing diversity & promoting equality
- Whistle-blowing